Sunday, November 23, 2008

French Onion-Pork Chop Skillet

I don't make pork chops very often, mainly because I'm very picky about them - I think that they are often dry and tasteless. But when I saw this recipe in a Kraft magazine, I thought I'd give it a try. I liked that the recipe cooks up quickly, keeping the chops from getting dry, plus the use of onions is always a plus, now that I have two onion lovers in the house. Topping off the dish with mozzarella cheese is a plus, too!

This recipe was really good! It was quick and easy - give it a try!


Anonymous said...

I haven't tried it's recipe yet but would like to try it soon.

Layne said...

I couldn't remember the address of your blog but I'm so glad I found it again. Also, I got a crock pot for Christmas and I can't wait to try out some of your recipes!