Yes we have been eating food here at the Wolfe house. I've even tried a few new things. I have no real excuse as to why I haven't been updating my food blog. I've been busy substitute teaching, and sometimes it's a stretch to get dinner on the table, and getting dinner on the blog is a very remote possibility. But anyhoo, here's what's been cooking:

Next up: last weekend, we went to the downtown Leesburg Farmer's Market and got some stuff for that night's dinner:

Here they are freshly shelled and ready to be cooked. As you can see, these are much more colorful then the dried variety you get at the grocery store.

On the table, with fresh grilled pineapple (brushed with honey and brown sugar). grilled chicken, and some baby carrots. This was a great meal! Very fresh tasting.

These are pumpkin bars from the latest Penzey's spices catalogue. My mom made these first and raved about them, and I had some canned pumpkin left over from the pumpkin cream cheese muffins, so I decided to give them a try. They have a browned butter icing on top.

Last night we had breakfast for dinner: waffles, hashbrown casserole, and a fruit salad of bananas, apples, and pineapple. The waffles were made with my all-purpose baking mix, but last time I made the mix I replaced half of the AP flour with whole-wheat flour. I think they still turned out well. I'm quite proud of the casserole; it's the first one I've made that turned out halfway decent. I always underestimate the cooking time!

And finally, the spoils from this morning's farmer's market:

It looks like your farmer's market is really great. I wish we had one down this way.
Sorry I haven't commented lately....I had to make an emergency trip to Missouri to see my dad. Unfortunately he did not make it through his surgery and so we spent the past week there making funeral arrangements and tying up loose ends. The one good thing that did come out of this is that our youngest son was able to make the trip back from Kuwait in time for the services.
Will be wanting to try this stirfry sauce soon. And possibly the pumpkin bars!
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