was the ribs Mike made for the Gator game. I found this recipe a few years ago, but we don't make it as much anymore. Ribs are not exactly health food... but they sure are good! These are supposed to taste like the ribs from Applebee's, but I can't vouch for that because I've never had their ribs.

Although it didn't help our luck, Sophie got a treat from the new pizza place that opened up across the street. They also make biscuits that look like pizzas, which she will be getting for her birthday!

Sophie is a hoot.
The ribs look sloppy, yummy-good!
I made ribs this weekend too! I made root beer ribs and also my favorite orange marmelade ribs! They were both really good! Sorry I haven't been on lately, but my father passed away two weeks ago so I been spending time in Missouri. So much to take care of!
Jacki- I forgot to mention if you are interested in either recipe or both just let me know and I'll try to get Thunder to post it/them.
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