We've continued to enjoy some cooler weather here in Florida, even though it's been accompanied by LOTS of rain. It's nice to use my oven again! Mike and I went to Sam's Club last week and got a bunch of meat for our new freezer (did I mention we got a deep freezer? We got a deep freezer). We got ground beef, two packages of boneless skinless chicken breasts, frozen vegetables, and pork tenderloin, all of which got repackaged into individual servings and frozen. I've already used lots of it, such as these meat loaves, topped with a sauce made of ketchup and Chinese oyster sauce.

Another use for the ground beef: meat sauce over whole grain pasta with a Tuscan Garlic Loaf from Publix. We had a salad with this meal, too. I decided to include such a simple meal because I needed to rave about the BREAD. Oh my goodness, this bread was amazing. There were whole garlic cloves in it, which were soft from the baking process. If you love garlic half as much as I do, go buy this bread NOW!

When I browned the beef for the pasta sauce, I made extra for tonights dinner; soft tacos.

As you can see,
everyone was excited about tonight's dinner! We were in for a surprise when we starting eating, though. I made the taco meat the same way I usually do, but I used cumin from Penzey's spices for the first time. A word to the wise: cumin from Penzey's is a LOT stronger than the stuff you get at the store. That stuff should come with a warning label. Of course, I'm a spice wimp, but even Mike thought it was extra spicy!
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