I decided to try a twist on the traditional beef burritos that are pretty common in this house. I'm always looking for ways to stretch our food budget, so the addition of black beans to the beef seemed like a great idea to me!
I had a lovely picture of the beef/bean mixture to show you guys, and for some reason Blogger keeps downloading it sideways. So just imagine a nice mixture of beef and black beans with cumin, coriander, and chili powder. I also added some corn I cut off the cob, and the reason I did this is because of these guy:
Here's the end product, along with some green beans. We both really enjoyed this - it was nice change. Mike ate three of them, I had two, and I still had enough left over to make five more! We'll have enough for two lunches, so for two meals feeding two people, it costed me:*
$4.00 for 1.25 lbs. lean ground beef
$2.00 for 10 flour tortillas
50 cents for the seasonings and onion
Since the tomatoes and peppers for the salsa came from my garden, we'll say about $1.00 for the seeds, plus irrigation, etc.
$2.00 for the toppings - cheese, sour cream, etc.
50 cents for the black beans - I used dried instead of canned
NOTHING for the corn (thanks, in-laws!)
The green beans were brought fresh, and I washed, snapped and froze them myself. I'd say the 2 servings we ate cost about 50 cents.
For a total of $5.25 per meal for two people, or $2.62 per person, per meal! How's THAT for frugal?!?
*all figures are approximate
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