Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mike and I found a really good deal on chicken breasts at Winn-Dixie, so we froze some whole and Mike hooked up the KitchenAid and ground the rest. We've had chicken tacos before, but never with ground chicken - only sliced. I seasoned the meat with cumin, coriander, paprika, and red pepper (I used to but the packaged taco seasoning, but it has way too much salt). We rounded out the meal with fresh green beans and a fruit salad with a homemade lime dressing.
The verdict
Mikel liked the tacos so well he said he'd be fine if we had them this way all the time. When Mike picks white meat over beef, you know it must be good! I liked the chicken as well because I can enjoy tacos practically guilt-free! I give this meal 5 stars for taste and 4 stars for health, because of the cheese, sour cream, and canned refried beans we had.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Monday, June 26, 2006
Honey-Lime Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Red Potatoes
I got two pork tenderloins on sale a couple of months ago, and this is the second one. I tried my mom's honey-lime marinated pork tenderloin recipe that was one of our favorites growing up. I paired it with rosemary roasted red potatoes, which is a recipe I found on the Internet when I was looking for a copycat recipe for those great potatoes at Boston Market. To round out the meal we have steamed pole beans and a fruit salad of strawberries, apples, and peaches with raw sugar on top. To drink we have fresh-squeezed orange juice made with oranges from my grandmother's trees.
The verdict
This meal was GREAT! As soon as I tasted the pork I remembered why my mom always made this recipe when tenderloin went on sale (that's the only way she buys it too, lol). I think the key to this recipe is quality, fresh ingredients. The potatoes are my second-favorite way to have them, behind mashed potatoes, of course. I was surprised to find strawberries at the grocery store today as it's a little late in the season for them, but they were very good. The orange juice was amazing, as always. It's almost worth the labor it takes to squeeze them. I give this meal 5 stars for both tase and health!
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Tonight I tried a new chicken recipe from Taste of Home magazine. It has a sauce made from lemon juice, molasses, and Worcestershire sauce. I decided to make white rice and black-eyed peas, which I hardly ever make because they take so darn long to cook.
The verdict
The chicken came out okay...I think I'll try it one more time before I decide on it. I wasn't crazy about it, and it was too complicated to make unless it was really good. It did give me a chance to use up the bag of peas in the freezer, though. I give this meal 2 stars for taste and 3 stars for health, because we had white rice instead of brown and I'm not sure if black-eyed peas count as a vegatable.
Saturday, June 24, 2006

My first real post for my food blog! This is actually the meal we had on Friday night, but I had no time to being this blog that night because I was busy getting ready to visit camp the next day.
Since we just got a digital camera, I have decided to try creating my own food blog! I'm not saying I'll update this every day (or even more than this one time!), but I've been wanting to start one of these for a long time, so I'm very excited. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I do cooking for it!