Buffalo Burgers! (aka, The Battle Between Good and Evil)I went to a place called The Uncommon Market in nearby Minneola last week and came home with some ground buffalo meat. I decided to give it a try because I've heard that it's a very lean meat with lots of flavor. A nice, healthy indulgence, right? The lady pulled it out the the freezer in a little vacuum-sealed package that was so hard I could have used it to knock someone out, and it lived in my freezer until the weekend, when Mike discovered it and decided to give buffalo burgers a try. Thus the battle began.

These are my nice, healthy buffalo burgers.
With ground bacon mixed in!! So much for healthy! But when Mike volunteers to cook and wants to try something new, I want to be a good wife and support that, so I just took all the rage I felt towards Mike for ruining my dream of a healthy indulgence and took it out on my body. How did I do that? I ate a bacon-filled buffalo burger. With cheese. And after I was done, I felt a little like this:

Some other dinner pictures Mike took:
The veggies on the Big Green Egg. Locally grown corn and zuchinni from the new produce stand in Yalaha.
