Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Black Bean Burgers!

Last week, Mike and I went to a party where black bean burgers were served, along with hot dogs and hamburgers. While I would usually go straight for the meat, I guess I felt adventurous that night, because I tried one. And....it was pretty good! It was Morningstar Brand's Spicy Black Bean burgers, and it had a little kick to it, which I especially enjoyed. I picked some up today, and while Mike had Zesty Grilled Ham (which I also like), he threw on a burger for me. He also grilled some corn, seasoned with butter and Penzey's Tuscan Sunset seasoning - my absolute favorite! I also wanted to show tonight's dinner because we had a salad with lettuce from the garden! That is so exhilarating for me - we ate something I GREW! Woo-hoo! I love it!

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