Sunday, July 02, 2006

Mexican Bake and Black Cherry Pie
Tonight I tried two new recipes. I try to stay away from doing this, but I caught the baking bug today and wanted to make Mike his favorite type of pie. But more on that later. I got the recipe for the Mexican Bake off, and it really caught my eye because you don't have to brown the chicken beforehand. However, you have to make sure the casserole is really done so the chicken gets cooked thoroughly. I put banana and jalenpeno peppers on Mike's half, and after it came out of the oven I topped mine with sour cream. I also substituted my homemade salsa for part of the crushed tomatoes.

Now on to my be-yoo-te-ful Black Cherry pie! I called Mike on his way home from Ocala on Friday to ask him to pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables, and he came home with a very pretty bag of black cherries. It was huge, however, and I was thinking about what a shame it was that we could never finish all of them before they spoiled, then I realized that I have never made Mike's favorite type of pie. I didn't know if there were any recipes that used black cherries, however, so I turned to the Internet and found a recipe that is remarkably like my mom's blueberry pie recipe. Check out this beauty!!

The verdict

The Mexican Bake was pretty darn good. It was a nice change from our regular fare. As I was eating it I thought that this casserole would be good with some refried beans in it. The pie was very good, it was a loooot of work! Try pitting a quart of cherries and tell me that isn't a lot of work! I give this meal 4 stars for taste and 2 and a half stars for health.